Nothing to Report?
Well, the season ended in September and with it, so it appears, did the blog. It does seem traditional for there to be big gaps between my missives out of season - I'm sure it's the same for everyone - well those that are run like Riddlesden. There's just not that much to talk about.
For example, since the last blog all that's happened here is...
1) Steve Kernan and Bob Morrisroe ran the Great North Run and raised over £1200 for Manorlands in the process. They're already talking about doing it again next year!
2) We hosted a Halloween party which saw the clubhouse well and truly decorated to the nines (and took an age to tidy...)
3) Hundreds flocked to the annual free bonfire - many were graceful enough to donate towards the costs of fireworks (for which this year's expenditure was higher than last) - and it seems everyone enjoyed the experience fully
4) New fencing has been erected down the side of the building (by the toilets) to tidy up that area and make it safer.
5) New guttering is in the progress of being installed to stop the leaks and drips.
6) Work has begun on the next phase of drainage - across the top of the pitch in front of the club so hopefully next year the top end won't be spongy through to August!
7) Speaking of drainage, since the end of the season the weather has been incredibly wet (let's face it, it was most of the season too), and the pitch has been 'flooded' at least four times - but each time, the water has completely gone within a couple of days - unlike previous years when it's stayed for weeks. So last year's drainage project can be deemed a success!
8) In sadder news, we've been hit with a spate of vandalism - so far it has only been graffiti but some of it is offensive, and it is sad that it's happened. There's going to be a lot of painting required before next season.
9) The AGM has been set for this coming Saturday. Awards have been purchased and the chairman will doubtless have his speech ready in time this year...
See, nothing!